Thursday, August 25, 2005

Do you see a shmoe? (posted by one of his dear sisters... :D) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

umm what is a shmoe, just out of

Alan said...

Hi Wes, those last half dozen photo's were posted by my dear sister. The technical definition for shmo is an individual who has the potential to be rather annoying. Kressant hastens to protest that this was not her intent; she thought she invented the word herself, and considers it a term of endearment. Personally, I always consider my dear sibling's linguistic capers to be adorable, and quite enjoyable to say the least. LOL... :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Awww, I see you like my drapery Charles. LOL
It's rather shameful that you look better in my glasses than I do!