Monday, June 06, 2005

Nice Hat!!!!!!
(Note to readers: this photograph was accidentally posted to my Blog by my dear eldest sister; upon such occassions as I am determined to remove it, I once again am reminded of the fit of hysterical laughter into which I collapsed upon first realizing its existence, and alas I find that I am incapable of aught which would result in its demise...)Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...


This is a nice outfit-where did you find this? Maybe not the hat though:>)

SmithFamily said...

This picture was merely accidental. In my attempt of learning to use new software I sent this pix to his blog instead of mine. I take all the blaim!
What's not to like about the hat though? I love big hats!

Anonymous said...

I am one of these mom's that can see something I would love my daughter or myself (40 lbs. less) to wear. The hat is just a bit too much for me to wear in public.
It's a real beaut though:>) Especially for the right person.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, PLEASE don't start on 'Buttes'! For the meanin of thet ya can apply to your dear daughter,lol! You'll get Kress started on her "Stone Mountain Butte"

Anonymous said...

Oh my-I think you misunderstood my reference. I meant "beaut" as short for something to admire.
I would never want to diminish your precious monument.
I wouldn't want to make a mountain out a molehill in regards to my wordings. If you excuse the fun pun (ha!)

Alan said...

LOL... Mrs. H, I assure you my Kressie Bess knew what you meant, but enjoys repertee much like yourself! :) "Butte," is an obscure reference to an unintentionally derogatory comment made by an un-named individual currently residing in your half of the country... :D LOL...

Anonymous said...


I knew that but I guess you missed all my hidden meanings in my last blog:>) Gottcha!

SmithFamily said...

hahaha..seems I better keep my eye on this here blog!

Anonymous said...

Yes I know mrs. H. You're too dear and sweet to say anything negative!

Oh but we would never say anything at all embarassing bout you Kressy dear!! Or take any discriminating video of you, oh say in my room holdin a hat riiiiight????? *hint* *hint*

Anonymous said...

Rach you are too kind. I do try to be tactful but it is fun to pun around:>) with you all.