Friday, June 24, 2005

Kressy has a little lamb :)

It's fleece white as Georgia snow, and anywhere that Kressant is, that lamb is sure to go... LOL :)
That being said, the sheep (we now have 3) keep eating our household plants, hence the enclosure we are now constructing for their containment. :D

I'm currently working on scripts for TV ads -- we're putting together a preview for the Film Festival, and need to film the commercials tonight and tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

I used to write scripts for ads in the ole B.C. (Before Christ) days. Don't forget your action/active present tense words i.e."buy now", "come in today" etc..." and I hate to say this but we were trained that the best ad script writing was created by exposing an emotion (weakness) that would only (perceived to) be met through the product. i.e. need for security, happiness etc...

If you get stuck-will be happy throw in my two cents-used to be pretty good at it.

SmithFamily said...
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SmithFamily said...

who all has access to this here blog? Alan told me that he doesn't give it out? hmm...

Anonymous said...

Just those from the A team have it.

Miss Seanna Hollinger said...


*Singing Deviously* "Kressy has a little lamb...little lamb...little lamb..."

Samuel will love this tune...

Miss Seanna Hollinger said...

P.S. The Vawsers seem to be enjoying it as well :-}

Andy Vawser said...

We have a team of undercover agents who find out such locations of such blogs. Hehe

SmithFamily said...

aha! I have found out all the guilty parties! Replying to such a snare, really!

Anonymous said...

Awww but you're so adorable Kress! Maybe I should get everyone to add onto it, then print it up and hand it out to everyone at the Film fest. LOL After the shoot out of course.
Better yet I'll post the finished product on your blog!

SmithFamily said...

yah know, my brother is pretty bad about posting on this here blog. Why, he only post's something new say; every couple a weeks!
"shaking of the head"
"Bubba, ya better post somethin' new sweetie!" (to get everyone side tracked 'bout this here song)

Anonymous said...

You know Kressant he just may be a bit distracted-who knows he could be in some dream world even right now thinking he is in the mountains of Montana or something:>) You know that is just the way some young men are. Their mind is in the wilderness and not on blogging. I cease to be amazed:>)

Anonymous said...

yes, well, I'm adreamin bout texas! We are going to have a blast!! I do hope that you Hollingers will change yer minds and join the party!

Anonymous said...

I am talking to Mr. H. just about that. He is going hunting shortly after the film festival and since he will be almost 2 states from down that way I wonder if I can fanangle a trip. We are so worn out from traveling so much this year though and another one coming up next week (whew) and much more this summer. Keep praying maybe we will make one last trip in October. Plus I think I want to show our new video at the festival-we shall see:>)

SmithFamily said...

oh how positively jolly that would be!!!

Alan said...

[*mumbles slowly*] I'm dreaming of a tall mountain...