Friday, March 26, 2010


Behold,children are the inheritance of the Lord...

...and the fruit of the womb his reward...

As arrows in the hand of the strong man; so are the children of youth...
Blessed is the man...
Who hath his quiver full of them...
Psalm 127 ,3,4,5a


Sanders Fam said...

Oh Katie....she's is so precious! I love it when they can stand up with their cute little dress on. So much fun! We miss y'all and hope to see you soon.

Blessings to your family,

Abbi (For the Fam)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a precious daughter you have Alan and Katie! I can't believe how time has gone by...she is standing and is so big!

So glad to see a few posts from you and know you are well.

Catherine Crawford said...

Oh Katie! She id getting so big! I miss her very much, and you, and the boys! I can't wait till May!

Love you!


Shiloh Strang said...

She's so cute! I love her little dress and the pictures are nice. :)


harada57 said...
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