Thursday, December 18, 2008

Here comes 3

Good Afternoon friends!

It's been a while, but hopefully Kate & I will slowly get back into the habit of keeping our online journal. LOL... ;)

Anyone checking on my blog has already been the the rest of the family's blogs, so you already know that Kressant and Michael have 2 boys, Wesley and Rachel have a fine strapping (large) son, and you probably have already heard that Katie and I are going to be having another one by the middle of next year.

Our midwife, (the redoubtable Mrs. Jobe) says she suspects 1st week of July; little bit has a fine, strong, healthy heart beat -- maybe a wee smidgen fast (~158bpm, girl maybe?) , and so far Kate has experienced no morning sickness. Hooray!!! :D

We spent the last several months hauling peanuts down in south GA. That went very well. This year saw one of the largest peanut crops in history -- the price of peanut butter may come down a little next year. LOL... We are currently between jobs and may do some contract work with Schneider over the next few months, but who knows?

I will try to put a photo of the truck up sometime soon.

Well, God Bless you all, I'll write again later...



Anonymous said...

Yay! We look forward to keeping up with y'all's family happenings.

God Bless,

Miss Abbi (For the Fam)

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting again. Hope to hear more soon.

dlr said...


from the icy prairie


Denise said...


You keep your blog up about like I do LOL. Congrats
We love yall

Aunt Neecy