Greetings, one and all.
I have been remiss in the management of my blog, in part due to the hectic rapidity with which various events have transpired during the past few weeks. One week ago, Mr. Michael Morton gave me the hand of his beautiful daughter Katherine. She is sweet, precious, compassionate, lovely beyond measure, serves her family faithfully, loves the Lord with all of her heart, soul and mind, and I have never heard her say a harsh word. I am altogether unworthy of her, but shall endeavour by the grace of our Lord to love, serve, and cherish her as Christ loved his church, giving himself up for her, to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of the water of the word. This high calling is one to which I am incapable of aspiring in my own strength; rather, it is in my weakness that our dear Lord may manifest Himself, doing through me what I clearly cannot do myself, that all glory and honour might be His and His alone. God grant that it may be so.
To thee, my darling Kate, my humble thanks for thy willingness to join this simple traveler in his journeys. All that I am and have are yours for the duration of our earthly sojourn. May we ever give glory and honour to our blessed Lord together. Shalom...
Dear Alan,
It is my honor to walk beside you and serve the Lord with you for the rest of my life. Oh I pray that the Lord will help me to be all that He would have me to be for you Babe.
I pray that I can always help you in your dreams,and laugh with you when you rejoice and weep with you when you mourn,and shout for joy when you are victorious. I am so grateful to the Lord for you Alan.You are more wonderful than I have ever dreamed,and the Lord has given me more than I have ever dared to hope.
Yours forever,Kate
Oh what wonderful news. Our prayers are with you both in the exciting days ahead. May God richly guide and bless you in the coming days.
-The Vawsers
To the Pethtel and Vawser clans:
Please accept our humble thanks and appreciation for your kind well wishes. :)
To my darling Kate,
A wife of noble character, who can find? Certainly not I on my own, but praised be our heavenly Father, for you are truly a gift from Him! Had my Lord merely granted me all of my greatest secret hopes and desires, I would consider myself blessed beyond all men. But alas! He has made you so much more beautiful, both in spirit and in form, than I could ever have imagined! He has been truly merciful to me, my love. God grant that I may love and cherish you as our Saviour loves His church; that I might never have an unkind word or action towards you, darling, and that He may ever draw us continually closer to one another and to Him. Someday, Love, may our children arise in the gates of the city and call you blessed!
Shalom, mi corazon.
Whilst the sands o' life shall run,
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