Monday, September 21, 2009

Wecome to the world Baby William!

Alan and I have a new little nephew! William Stone Morton, son of Wesley and Rachel Morton.
What a precious blessing he is ! We love you William!

Below is Wes and Rache and Co before and after.What a precious family the Lord has established.


  1. Congrats!

    Ahhh!! He's so cute and sweet!

  2. Ohhhhh, what a beautiful little fellow!
    When was he born? My Mother's birthday was on the 21st.
    I hope you are all doing well. We will have to get in touch soon!

    With much love to all the Smiths and Mortons,

    ~Livvy for the Powers family

  3. Oh, I am so happy for them!

    What a sweet family!

    Trust you all are well. We think of you all fondly, dear Katie.

  4. Oh Livvy! Hey!!!
    Give our love to your precious family!
    Yes, William was born on the 9th! Tell your Mama I said happy,happy birthday!
    Hey Mrs. Deanna!!!! I want to visit with you over a cup of tea! We would love to see your family again! God bless!
